Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Notebook 1 - July 24,1925

July 24, 1925

Dear Sir:
I am a most-accomplished artist trained in the best art schools in London and Paris and should be pleased to come and see you and bring a specimen of my work. In England I painted the portraits of many distinguished people from life until the War spoiled my business. I came to America hoping for better things -- but find too many artists already in Baltimore. As I am a married woman with a home which demands part of my attention; I copied photographs for "Boots" a high class drug store and fancy store which has branches in every large town in England. I am a married woman & like work which I can do in my home.

- Unfinished letter from Lucy Derrick-Swindells, Notebook 1


  1. I absolutely LOVE this idea and can not wait to hear more from Miss Lucy!!!

  2. I love this! What a great catch (you said you found her journals in an antique store?). Just goes to show the importance of keeping our own journals...who knows what we may inspire down the road. :)

    On a side note, Boots is a drug store still running throughout the UK...probably the same which Ms. Lucy refers to.

    Great start Carrie.



  3. carrie this is a wonderful series.
    have a happy happy thanksgiving
    (and i'm so happy to have met you in seattle!)
